Saturday, 19 September 2015

Uni Diaries part 1

So I've offically moved in to uni and currently typing away in my new room. Everyone was kinda right about the awkwardness that comes when meeting new people and adjusting to the knew surroundings.So lets start from the beginning, so me and mum decided to take a cab, as there was no way of fitting my stuff into our car and plus i don't think my mum wants to drive all the way to reading with all my stuff at the back, its kinda long, Anyway off we went, on route to my uni. In the car I was thinking that I had everything , but me being me I forget the most important thing, my chemistry folder with all my A level notes. So we had to go all the way back home , lucky we were only about 15mins away, so it wasn't much of a trek to go back but it did mean that we had to pay a bit extra which was annoying. So once again for the second time off we where to my uni. Once I had arrived I had to get my keys for my room from reception and my mum started to unload the car.

I happened to be on the top floor which was soo long especially because I had to carry all my suitcases up the stairs which had no lift!! At this point I had met my first house mate and she happened to be somebody I already know from back home, which was cool at  least i had one person to talk to. So once I had brought all my stuff to my room, and had a 5min, more like a 20min breather I was told that we had to go to some fire talk which was held on campus. So before that i just walked my mum to the bustop said our goodbyes (were not really ones for getting emotional) and off she went, leaving me in a city I have no clue about.

So i eventually met all my flatmates and they seem pretty cool, and easy to talk to, but the thing is two of them never wanna go out, like we have 2 weeks of freshers yet they don't wanna go to any of the events, which seems kinda pointless, i just don't get it. My other housemate seems up for all the events, so i at least I have one but becuz there is only 4 of us at the moment (because one is a postgrad and an international student, so is not really into the whole fresher thing and the other moved in then went back home after the fire talk, she's coming back on sunday, and im still yet to meet her) so its kind of awkard that half of us want to go out and the other half don't. I just feel if they didn't wanna go out why didn't they just apply to the quiet halls, so that I can have flatmates that wanna have fun. I have literally cried about three times now cos its not going how I want it to go, like I had a good evening yesterday and had such a laugh but its just today that I have had really nothing to do just the canival fair,which wasn't all that. Its just making me miss home a lot more. At the moment im just bored out of my mind. Hopefully it will get better soon because I can't deal with this boredom. I met some people in the other block who literally seem up for anything so I think Im just gonna tag along with them, cos they seem like they know how to have a good time, i want to have the time of my life in these two weeks and for rest of my first year and not be in my room doing nothing.  

So thats how I feel at the moment about uni, hopefully its will start getting better from tomorrow once the events start going and I start meeting new people

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