So I'm currently in my bed with a cup of sprite beside me watching a movie which is literally documenting my life, the main character Katie is living my shoes. The movie is one of those low budget indie movies which are slowly becoming one of my favourite genre of film.
Here's a brief outline of the main the character, Katie. She decided last minute to deferr her college place to the next following year (which I did) and everybody but her is hugely against the idea of her taking a year out of school,which is very similar to me, as my mum would have preferred me, going to uni this year rather than next year as she is scared that I will forget everything i have learnt during my 2 years of A level chemistry, but other than that she wasn't too fussed in me taking a gap year seeing that I had already set myself up with a job that actually pays well, which will help me save up for my uni fees.
Anyway carrying on, Katie decided to keep herself occupied by writing a blog detailing her unpredictable life on the internet . Once again very similar to me, as I thought it might be a good idea that I start a blog just to keep myself busy when I get days off work, and seeing as all my friends are away at uni living the university experience I don't really have anyone to hang out with during the times I am off work,well I do still have one of my close friend who decided to live at home than halls for uni, but she is also busy catching up with essay assignments and revision so I don't really wanna get her off track with that, plus I thought it would be kinda cool starting a blog, and have it as a little diary documenting my life, and it would be nice 10 years down the line to go back and read everything I had got up to during my gap year and the years ahead.
The most interesting thing about the movie is she took her gap year to found herself,well that one of her reasons but her main reason really is to see were her relationship with this older guy will go, which of course i will never do I just don't see the point of taking a year out of education for anybody especially for a man who is twice her age and already has a girlfriend which is much closer in age. And of course her relationship ended up failing which was bound to happen. For me,I wanted to take a gap year as I wasn't really sure what I really want to do with my life and I felt maybe taking a gap year will help me think about the career path I want to take
Katie's infatuation with this much older is kind of similar to the feelings I have for this guy I hardly know because in a previous post, I had said how I have a massive crush of this much older guy who sadly I believe has a girlfriend seeing how close their where when I had seen them. The only difference is between me and Katie is that at least she actually got with her guy and is developing a weird, dysfunctional yet exciting and passionate relationship, which I have yet to even know my guys name before getting involve in a heated relationship with him, which I doubt will ever happen seeing I haven't even seen him for the past 2 weeks, I'm hoping he's just on holiday for Christmas (hopefully not with his girlfriend that is) but I dunno I feel that he may have moved house in another area meaning that i won't see him as much :(
Oh yeah and another thing I don't have in common with Katie is, funnily enough she also has a boyfriend of her own aswell as having relationship with this much older guy, and still 19 yrs of age I am yet to get a boyfriend, it's kind of sad that I don't thing I have every properly kissed a guy, but then I think maybe this is God's way of telling me that the right guy for me is on the horizon ready to sweep me off my feet, well I tell that to myself to keep me crying into my pillow every night lol, but naa I joke I don't really care about not having a boyfriend to be honest I don't have time to have a boyfriend, i feel having a boyfriend at this point in my life will just be another thing weighing me down, I rather just be single especially for uni because I think I will have a lot more fun if I was single in uni, so that I don't have something else to worry about.